Showing posts from October, 2012Show All

A Hair Loss Cure For Men

Procerin is a natural remedy for hair loss has been found effective in reversing hair loss in men caused by androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair loss, thinning hair and receding hairlines often reffered to as widows peak. Basiclly men suffering fr… Read more

Fruit Juices: A Healthy, Delicious Alternative To Soda

For anyone trying to maintain a healthy diet, soda is one of the worst things that you can put in your body. It is full of sugar, in addition to other chemicals that do nothing but harm your body. So if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you should start think… Read more

Better Heart Health May Come From Candy

HDL, LDL, triglycerides - the acronyms and terms of the cholesterol debate are becoming part of our everyday language. Americans are bombarded with reports to raise their HDL (the "good" cholesterol) and lower their LDL, or "bad." While the… Read more

Beer And Fitness - Can You Drink Beer And Stay Fit?

This week I was asked an interesting question concerning drinking beer and exercising. It seems that a former Navy Radioman has developed quite a gut since retiring, and was curious about whether he should give up his beer to lose weight? Not only does the gentleman… Read more

10 Easy Ways to a ‘Healthy-Diet’ for Kids

Creating a Healthy Home can be easier than you think. Creating a nutritionally healthy home is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure the health of your child. To start, make smart food choices, and help your child develop a positive relationship … Read more

8 Tips for a Healthy and shining Skin

Tip 1: Drink Water Water has long been considered as the most efficient natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3.  It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil fr… Read more

3 Healthy Benefits Of White Tea

It is not just chefs but also medical researchers who are praising the benefits of white tea for your health.  In fact there are many different kinds of benefit of white tea that a person can have and we will look at some people.  But first we will provide you with… Read more

Color Your Way to Daily Health

It’s important that we eat plenty of different fruits and vegetables every day. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substa… Read more