3 Incredibly Easy Mango Face Packs To Remove Tan At Home

We all know Mango as juicy, fiber rich, healthy fruit. Did you know Mango can also be used for skincare? Fresh Juicy Mangoes This summer fruit can even be used to get rid of the most stubborn tan.  When summer is in full swing, you need to eat summer fruits like mangoe… Read more

How To Achieve Good Posture And Avoid Back Pain

Avoid sitting in the same position for long hours, especially in front of computers. Get up a stretch a bit. Don’t slouch, always keep your posture straight. If you accidentally droop, then you can train yourself using those  posture correcting belts  that are avail… Read more

Boils On Vagina - Solid Tips For Healing

Boils are infections of the skin that most commonly show up on the face, back, shoulders, buttocks and thighs.  They can occur anywhere on the skin though, so boils on vagina are not uncommon. A boil will start out small and red but as the infection progresses the … Read more

Apple Cider Vinegar - Healing Home Remedies

Many of the healing home remedies that have been used by people for generations and even going back thousands of years has involved vinegar. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates (from whom the Hippocratic Oath came) used to prescribe it for persistent coughs. … Read more

8 Natural Ways To Relieve Stress

Before you decide to travel to your nearest pharmacist, can I suggest that you first try these methods as they deal with stress in a very simple manner? There are remedies that are much more naturally inclined that can be used. These exercises should be part of your … Read more

4 Fruits that do all the weight loss for you

Apples A medium apple (3-inch diameter) contains 4 grams of fiber; a large apple (3¼-inch diameter) has 5. Apples also offer a bit of vitamin C and potassium. Raspberries Raspberries are a great source of fiber—some of it soluble in the form of pectin, which helps… Read more

How To Get Soft and Healthy Long Hair Using Coconut Oil

Softer, longer hair? Coconut oil will do wonders.  Take 2 spoonfuls of coconut oil,  Heat up in a bowl for 30 seconds Massage in to scalp Then apply it into your hair Leave it on for about an hour and a half.  Wash your hair by shampooing, then conditi… Read more

A Hair Loss Cure For Men

Procerin is a natural remedy for hair loss has been found effective in reversing hair loss in men caused by androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair loss, thinning hair and receding hairlines often reffered to as widows peak. Basiclly men suffering fr… Read more

Fruit Juices: A Healthy, Delicious Alternative To Soda

For anyone trying to maintain a healthy diet, soda is one of the worst things that you can put in your body. It is full of sugar, in addition to other chemicals that do nothing but harm your body. So if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you should start think… Read more

Better Heart Health May Come From Candy

HDL, LDL, triglycerides - the acronyms and terms of the cholesterol debate are becoming part of our everyday language. Americans are bombarded with reports to raise their HDL (the "good" cholesterol) and lower their LDL, or "bad." While the… Read more

Beer And Fitness - Can You Drink Beer And Stay Fit?

This week I was asked an interesting question concerning drinking beer and exercising. It seems that a former Navy Radioman has developed quite a gut since retiring, and was curious about whether he should give up his beer to lose weight? Not only does the gentleman… Read more